Episode 7: “The Technological Terror of the Technomancer!”: Blue Eagle and Switch investigate reports of a crime spree carried out by appliances that have come to life.

Our story starts off at a factory building electrodium tubing. It’s an ordinary day in an ordinary American workplace. Workers man the assembly lines, pumping out product after product. However, they are about to experience a most peculiar technological malfunction........

“Run!” yelled a worker. “The equipment is going haywire! They’re attacking people!”

Workers ran for the exits. Just minutes ago, they were at their stations, overseeing the production of electrodium tubes used for construction. But all of a sudden, all the equipment sprang to life. Everything from cranes to telephones to the conveyer belts themselves floated into the air and began flinging themselves at the fleeing workers.

Above the sound of the hurried footsteps of the workers and the crashing of equipment came a sinister laugh. In the factory stood a figure in a gray and silver robe with metal plates on the arms and chest, a long white beard, and a metal helmet. The helmet was pointed with spiraling tubes around the shaft, a lightbulb-looking component at the top. The man turned to a conveyor belt. A set of small yellow circles of light emitted from the top of his helmet, connecting to the conveyor belt. The rubber cover of the belt rolled off and slithered across the ground like a snake, giving chase to the workers.

“Run, pathetic fools! Run!” cackled the man. “Run from the power of......THE TECHNOMANCER!


This is not some isolated incident, but a massive citywide crime spree! The entire Herald City Police Department is baffled by the strange crimes, including the Chief of Police. With no other solutions in mind, he calls in the city’s best for assistance.........

“So they’re being attacked by their own equipment?” asked Blue Eagle. “How is that even possible? Who’s controlling it?”

“We’re as confused as you are, Blue Eagle,” said the Chief. “Office equipment, factory equipment, vehicles, any piece of technology, they all came to life and attacked the workers of these places. As for who’s behind the attacks, the workers have all reported seeing a figure calling himself ‘the Technomancer’.”

“‘The Technomancer’? What a strange name,” said Switch. “It doesn’t sound like any supervillain I’ve ever heard of.”

“Agreed,” said Blue Eagle. “Chief, do we have any idea where this ‘Technomancer’ will strike next?”

“Unfortunately, we don’t,” said the Chief. “But we do know he’s been targeting factories all over the city. All sorts of strange materials have been stolen. Electrodium, monolithium, advanced computer components, and so many others. What can it mean?”

“He must be building something, and I bet it’s not good,” said Switch.

“But we know he must be planning to target more factories,” said Blue Eagle. “If we can be ready for him, Switch and I can catch him in the act and stop him.”

“But we don’t know where he’ll strike next,” said the Chief. “How will you--”

The door to the Chief’s office burst open. “Sir! Sir!” cried the frazzled officer who ran in.

“What is the meaning of this?” demanded the Chief. “What happened?”

“I’m sorry to interrupt you, sir, but the Technomancer is striking again!” said the officer. “He’s currently at the Herald City Mineral Production Plant!”

“What luck! That’s just minutes from here! We can be there in no time!” said Switch, turning to Blue Eagle.

Blue Eagle nodded. “And we’ll take this ‘Technomancer’ down once and for all.”


And so, at the Herald City Mineral Production Plant.....

“What’s going on!?”

“Run! Everybody, get out of here!?”

“How is this even possible!?”

The workers of the Herald City Mineral Production Plant ran as the various forklifts, conveyor belts, and processing vats floated into the air, flinging themselves with deadly force at them. The light fixtures pulled themselves off the ceiling and hovered in the air, the newly exposed electrical wires dancing of their own accord like a snake moving to the charmer’s music.

At the center of the plant stood the Technomancer.

“Run, you pathetic fools!” he said between cackles. A large vat of minerals floated near him. “Run, and grant me access to all the precious minerals you have in your factory!”

“Not so fast, Technomancer!” boomed a voice from behind.

Technomancer turned to see Blue Eagle and Switch, having apparently come through one of the exits.

“Ah, Blue Eagle! Herald City’s great champion,” said Technomancer with a sly grin. “I was wondering when you’d show yourself.”

“If you wanted to see me, there are much easier ways to do so,” said Blue Eagle. “This crime spree of yours is a little much.”

“For my plans, it is enough,” said Technomancer.

“And what are your plans?” asked Switch.

“Why, that’s simple, Blue Eaglet. World domination!” said Technomancer. “Human beings have no vision, no potential for greatness, no reason to be in charge of this world. But under my leadership, it is technological progress that will rule over all. And I am technology itself.”

“More like a two-bit supervillain with unimpressive parlor tricks at your disposal,” said Blue Eagle. “Now, we’re going to give you one chance to surrender, Technomancer. I hope you’re smart enough to realize you’re outnumbered and outmatched.”

“Outnumbered? Perhaps. Outmatched? Blue Eagle, it is you who are outmatched,” said Technomancer.

With that, large equipment began hurling themselves at the superheroes. Control panels and machinery filled with blinking lights and complicated readouts flew through the air as if thrown like baseballs.

The Father-Son Duo stood back-to-back at the ready, Switch activating his superstrength. As various pieces of equipment came at them, their superpowered fists knocked them away.

“A bit of a workout! Right, Blue Eagle?” said Switch, smashing a console covered in dials, switches, and gauges.

“You said it,” agreed Blue Eagle, punching through a complicated looking device. “But he’ll be running out of things to throw at us very quickly.”

“Oh, don’t be so sure,” said Technomancer. He held out his hand, a set of circular beams emanating from his strange helmet. Passing over the damaged equipment, they faded into nothing. However, the equipment itself shook slightly, then floated into the air and hurled themselves right back at the superhero team.

“Uh oh! It looks like we’re not doing that much!” said Switch.

“Your ineffectiveness against me was the only possible outcome. Even your puny brains should have known that,” said Technomancer. “And while you flail away at everything thrown at you, I can do this all day without effort. But since you seem to be in the dark regarding my powers and plans, let me shed some light on the situation.”

The light fixtures that were hovering in place fell towards Blue Eagle and Switch.

“Look out!” shouted Blue Eagle. He and Switch both dived out of the way, the light fixtures crashing into pieces where they once stood.

Switch pulled himself to his feet. “Whoa. That was too close for comfort.”

Blue Eagle also stood up. “Yes, and we need to do something to stop this once and for all,” he said, destroying more of the attacking machinery.

“Agreed, superhero. So let me end this now,” said Technomancer, a sinister grin spread across his face.

A conveyor belt’s rubber covering pounced at Blue Eagle like a cobra, wrapping itself around him and binding his arms and legs.

“Hey! Let go!” cried Blue Eagle, falling to the ground. He struggled in his bonds, trying to move his arms into a position where he could use his strength to break free.

“Don’t worry, Blue Eagle! I’ll--” began Switch before stopping short. He looked at his hands. “Oh no! My powers have run out!”

“A convenient weakness to exploit,” said Technomancer as an electrical wire descended from the ceiling and snaked around Switch, binding the young hero’s arms to his sides. The end point of the wire touched the side of Switch’s neck, emitting an electric shock that knocked him unconscious. “And with that, your sidekick is defeated!”

“Switch!” cried Blue Eagle, struggling to get free. “You wretched fiend!”

“Indeed I am. And before you get free......” said Technomancer, pointing his finger at Blue Eagle.

All the equipment that Technomancer that was under his control slammed on top of Blue Eagle, pinning him underneath a pile of twisted parts and broken shells. The vat containing the minerals lowered itself so that the supervillain could enter it, the pile of minerals being high enough that the top edge of the vat was at his waist. The electrical wire lowered the unconscious Switch into the vat with him.

“I weakened the voltage of those wires. Wouldn’t want to kill your precious sidekick,” said Technomancer. “But what a victory! You two weren’t even a challenge, and now I have everything I need to enslave the world!”

The vat rose into the air and flew through the window, carrying the laughing villain and unconscious Switch with him. The pile of debris shuddered, then flew across the room with powerful force as Blue Eagle burst free and pulled himself to his feet.

“Great. I don’t know where Technomancer is and he’s captured Switch. What do I do now?” he wondered.


And so, Blue Eagle sails through the skies above Herald City, searching for any sign of Technomancer and Switch......

Blue Eagle soared through the air, his eyes scanning every street corner and alleyway that he could see. A normal man’s eyes would never be able to pick up the indistinguishable shapes of different people from as high up in the air as he was, but Blue Eagle was no normal man.

“Darn! I’ve searched this whole city twice over, but my super senses can’t pick up anything. I can’t see or hear anything out of the ordinary,” Blue Eagle muttered to himself.

He was started to get frustrated. He’d been searching the city for hours with nothing to show for it. With no leads and no idea where Technomancer was headed off to, all he could do was fly around randomly and hope he stumbled upon something that looked like a supervillain’s evil lair.

A sparkle of sunlight reflecting of a glass ahead of him caught his eye. More of them appeared.

“What the--? What on Earth is that?” he wondered. Squinting his eyes, he realized what he was looking at. “Are those......television sets?”

The TV sets—dozens of them—floated high above him and positioned themselves directly next to each other with their screens facing down. They all flickered on at once despite not being connected to a power source. After a brief moment of static, the screen cleared up to show the smiling face of Technomancer.

“Greetings from Herald City! If you live on this planet and are near a television, then you are seeing this message,” said Technomancer. “I suppose you want me to introduce myself. I am the Technomancer, and I am your new ruler.”

“I think you’re being a little presumptuous,” said Blue Eagle, knowing full well that Technomancer couldn’t hear him.

His ears picked up the faint sound of confused and scared murmuring from the people below.

“The fools in charge of your various countries and institutions are weak-minded and have no vision. I, on the other hand, recognize that technology can be used to lead us out of these dark ages of war and poverty, and as I can control technology, it is only fitting that I lead you all out of those dark ages,” said Technomancer. “And it is with this that I will do so. Behold! The Techno-Control Device!”

He moved out of the way to reveal a large humanoid contraption made up of home appliances. Refrigerators made up its arms and legs, and a washing machine was its torso. On the top of its head was something less domestic; a metal sphere with the diameter of a couch that had a device on top similar to Technomancer’s helmet. An orange mineral rock was placed at the very top.

“The Techno-Control Device allows for the connection of electrical signals between technological devices and the human brain, similar to that of my own. I can manipulate these electrical signals, and from there, manipulate the brains of every person on Earth,” explained Technomancer. “And I will do so if you do not comply with my demands. For I know that you all need the illusion of free will, and so I will grant it to you. You shall willingly submit to my authority, or I shall compel it! Do not worry about how to contact me regarding your surrender. I will be monitoring all electronic communication; I can assure you I will get the message. And don’t pin your hopes on your precious superheroes. I defeated Blue Eagle effortlessly. In fact.....”

The camera switched to a closer view of the washing machine that served as the robot’s torso. Blue Eagle’s eyes went wide when he saw what—or who—was inside.

“Oh no! Switch!”

Switch was trapped inside the washing machine, his fists banging against the glass door to no avail.

Blue Eagle could hear the anxious and nervous gasps of the people in the streets below.

“I expect your response in three hours. And if you fail to cooperate, I’ll destroy Switch the Blue Eaglet once and for all and I’ll control the minds of everyone on this planet,” said Technomancer, the camera cutting back to him. “You see what I can do with technology. Now imagine the good I can do with it. Think about that, and think quick!”

The televisions all faded to black and flew off in different directions.

“Great Scott! He must have been stealing materials from those factories for his device, and now it’s completed,” said Blue Eagle to himself. “If I don’t stop him quick, there won’t be anyone left on Earth not under his control. And he will kill Switch. I haven’t a moment to lose!”


And as Blue Eagle plans his next move, we see that he’s not the only one doing so........

The warehouse was set up with a table, some couches in front of a TV, and a large workspace. They were using it as their most recent lair; the place was abandoned some time ago. There was no sound but when came through the TV’s speakers, the message from the Technomancer about submitting to his supreme global authority.

Frankie and Willie exchanged worried looks as the broadcast ended. They stood with the boxes of tools and equipment Queen Venus was having them move in.

“Gee, Willie. That Technomancer guy’s pretty scary. It’s a good thing he ain’t targeting us,” said Frankie. His eyes suddenly went wide with realization. “Wait a sec! He said everyone on Earth! That includes us!”

“Frankie, if he tried to take over your mind, he’d probably just find empty space,” said Willie. “But that weirdo captured that stupid sidekick of Blue Eagle’s and is gonna control the whole world in a couple hours. I wonder why Queen Venus never got that far.”

“That’s because I spend my time cleaning up your messes, you loudmouthed lunkhead,” came the cold female voice behind him.

Willie jumped, the box of tools flying out of his hands and landing on his head, covering his face. Disoriented, he stumbled backward and sprawled across the ground. Sitting up, he lifted the box over his eyes. “Q-Q-Q-Queen Venus......!”

“But that is an incredible plan this ‘Technomancer’ has concocted,” continued Queen Venus. “A device that could mind control everyone on Earth would be a wonderful tool.....in my hands.”

“So are ya gonna build one?” asked Frankie.

“Build one? Why we could do that. Or we could steal one,” said Queen Venus.

“Steal that Techno-Gizmo Thingy? From Technomancer? But, boss, we don’t even know where he is,” said Willie.

“Oh, I do,” said Queen Venus. “And if you two weren’t such fools and actually paid attention to the broadcast, you’d realize he accidentally revealed his location.”


And so we look in on the home appliance store that serves as the lair of the Technomancer, and the prison of his superpowered captive......

“Hey! Get me out of this thing!” yelled Switch angrily, banging on the glass.

From wherever he was, Technomancer walked into Switch’s view and smiled. “Oh, try to break that glass all you want, Blue Eaglet. But every part of my Techno-Control Device’s defense body, including the torso you are trapped in, has been reinforced to withstand even your great strength.”

Switch stopped and took another look at his surroundings. It was a tight squeeze inside the washing machine that made up the torso of this giant appliance-robot he was trapped in. Beyond the glass was a home appliance store that Technomancer had attacked and cleared out earlier. Sales banners still hung from the ceiling, but much of the merchandise had been used for the weird machine he was stuck in, either as direct “body parts” or for internal components.

And Technomancer was right about the inescapability of his confinement. He’d tried time and time again to break out of the washing machine—both with superstrength and with eyebeams—but nothing. Maybe if Blue Eagle came for him, their combined strength would be enough to break the door open, but not individually.

Switch scowled down at Technomancer. “I don’t know what makes you think you’re gonna get away with this! We’ve faced worse villains than you, and we’ll be found eventually.”

“By who? Blue Eagle? Who already proved to be no match for my power? Don’t make me laugh!” replied Technomancer. “Clearing this appliance store took me mere minutes. It was easier than the factories. And creating this great invention took even less time than that. Three hours is more than enough time for me to complete my plans.”

“You mentioned the factories. Why were you attacking the factories?” asked Switch.

“Simple. For materials needed for the Techno-Control Device. The appliances only form a defensive body to fend off attackers. The materials for the core itself that I will use to control the minds of the people require special materials,” explained Technomancer. “Electrodium tubing. Monolithium plating. Advanced electronic components. Reactive minerals for power. All of which were found in the factories I attacked.”

“And all for the ability to mind control the world’s population,” said Switch. “And what exactly do you want to do that for?”

“It’s exactly as I said, my dear boy. We live in a world where technology serves mankind, a mankind with no vision to even help its own. But if mankind serves technology instead, we can propel our species to true greatness!”

“Mankind would serve technology. But that technology would serve you? Why should you be in charge?”

“Because who else but me has the vision to see this country to its greatness!?” exclaimed Technomancer. He closed his eyes and sighed. “Not long ago, I was Calvin West, an ordinary scientist at TomorrowTech Industries working on the link between man and machine. I created this headset, which gave me the power to activate my lab’s technological equipment with only my thoughts. A true scientific breakthrough! The possibilities were endless! Imagine how we could have interacted with technology if I were able to develop this further!”

“Do you know what my superiors wanted to use it for? To remotely control appliances for convenience purposes! They wanted to use my invention to ensure that people would no longer have to get off their couches to turn on their televisions or turn off their lights! And when I protested and tried to explain the vast potential it had, they threatened to fire me and steal my work!” he continued. “And so I went back to my lab to continue working, and as I was running tests, a freak lightning storm struck my lab and I was granted the power of control over technology. I realized then and there that the only way to ensure that humanity reached its potential was to force it to reach it. So I stole everything and went into hiding for a year, creating my master plan that will allow me control over all of humanity! And that plan will come into fruition in a matter of hours,” he added, cackling madly.

With a thunderous crash, the door to the appliance store burst open. “Your plan won’t be coming to fruition at all, Technomancer! You’re going to jail,” came the booming voice of Blue Eagle as he entered.

“Blue Eagle!” exclaimed Switch, a smile forming across his face.

“What!? Blue Eagle!? What are you doing here!? How did you find me!?” demanded Technomancer angrily.

“Easy! You got careless, Technomancer! You can say you left me a sign in your broadcast!” said Blue Eagle, pointing towards the robot.

Technomancer turned to look at his robot and realized that the banners advertising sales on appliances were still up and had the name of the store on them.

“Curses!” yelled Technomancer. “I must have forgotten to take those down!”

“And with my super hearing, I heard every word you said, Doctor West. Now, let Switch go and surrender yourself to the authorities,” commanded Blue Eagle.

Technomancer laughed. “Oh? Have you forgotten what happened last time? Perhaps now it’s time for you to see what the Technomancer can truly do!”

He turned towards the robot and placed his hand to his forehead. Circular yellow beams emitted from his helmet towards the robot. With a few creaks and the whirs of inner parts moving against each other, the creature came to life, taking a step towards Blue Eagle.

“I need to find a way to get Switch out of that thing and destroy the gizmo on its head,” said Blue Eagle, his son still trapped inside the washing machine torso of the robot. He fired his eyebeams at its body and limbs. “My eyebeams should slow you down!”

The eyebeams bounced off the robot. They didn’t even leave a scratch.

“Ha! The appliances that make up this machine are reinforced with antilithium plating, another one of the goodies I got my hands on today,” said Technomancer.

Blue Eagle bent his knees, ready to take to the air. “If my eyebeams won’t work, then perhaps I’ll take this monster down the old fashioned way!”

“I’d stay where you are, Blue Eagle, or else your sidekick will die!” ordered Technomancer. “Take one step forward, and I will activate the washing machine with him trapped inside. Even if he uses his invulnerability, it will run out and when he does, the spin cycle will be his doom!”

Blue Eagle looked up at the washing machine, Switch still trapped inside and trying to force his way out.

“What can I do?” he asked himself. “If I do anything, he’ll activate the washing machine. I can’t harm the robot, and he still has an entire inventory of appliances he can use as weapons. I’m going to need help taking him down.”

As if in direct response, the floor near the back of the store burst open, a large Venus Fly Trap emerging. Queen Venus stood on top of its bulbous head, which lowered itself to the floor so she could step gracefully off. From the large leaves attached to the creature’s stalk, Frankie and Willie dangled precariously. With a flick, they were flung face-first onto the floor next to their boss. She and her monster stood behind the giant appliance robot.

“Queen Venus! As if this couldn’t get any worse,” muttered Blue Eagle.

“You seem as if you can use some help,” said Queen Venus, her henchmen getting to their feet beside her.

“And I suppose you’re here to offer it?” asked Blue Eagle dryly.

Queen Venus threw her head back and laughed. “Don’t be absurd! I’ve no interest in you or your meddlesome sidekick. I’d be rooting for Technomancer if there weren’t something more important I came for.” She turned to Technomancer. “Give me the Techno-Control Device. Your queen demands it!”

“Bah! Why should I give it to you?” spat Technomancer.

“Because I, not you, am the only one here suited to rule this world, and I will not have you getting in the way of my plans!” replied Queen Venus.

“I don’t think so. None of you are leaving here alive!” said Technomancer.

The robot raised its arms—multiple refrigerators, washers and dryers, and freezers connected together—to smash Blue Eagle where he stood, but was stopped when vines from the Venus Fly Trap emerged from the stalk and grabbed it by its wrists.

“I think you’ll find my plants more than a match for a couple of home appliances,” said Queen Venus as humanoid plant monsters emerged from the hole in the ground she came from, jumping onto the robot’s legs and trying to bring it down.

“And don’t think you’re going to overcome my strength a second time!” added Blue Eagle, as other appliances flew at him from left and right. Powerful punches shattered the televisions and radios. He turned and gasped as he saw electric drills and chainsaws soaring through the air at him, the loud roar of their motors filling the air. A couple of eyebeams was enough to destroy them.

The robot struggled with the Venus Fly Trap and the plant monsters, its arms and legs still restrained. It jerked its back, freeing itself from the monster’s grasp. And uppercut sent the plant back into its hole, and a shake of each of its legs sent the humanoid plant monsters flying.

“I think it’s time to execute my plan once and for all!” said Technomancer. “No more waiting! It’s time to activate the Techno-Control Device!”

The mineral rock at the very top of the robot glowed, its energy powering the Techno-Control Device. Technomancer smiled sinisterly as he put his hands on his temples, circular beams emitting back and forth between the core and his helmet. Waves of light began emanating outwards from the device, its radius growing larger and larger.

“In but a moment’s time, all of you will be my mindless slaves! This world will be mine!” he exclaimed, laughing madly.

“Not if I have anything to say about it!” said Blue Eagle, looking up at the ceiling lights. “I’ve only got one shot at this.”

He flew into the air, up towards the ceiling lights. With his strength, ripping a light fixture off and grabbing a handful of exposed wire was nothing.

“This should do the trick,” he said, looking at the wire in his hands, electricity sparking from the tips.

He flew down to the Techno-Control Device and touched the tips of the wires directly to the mineral core. Electricity poured through the device, and the entire robot shuddered and shook as electricity raced through it.

“No! What have you—ARGH!” started Technomancer, falling to the ground, his helmet sparking and falling off his head.

The Techno-Control Device fell off the robot, its mineral core breaking loose and rolling to a stop at Queen Venus’s feet. She knelt down and picked it up. “I’d say this is what we need. My pet! Return to me! And bring me the Techno-Control Device!”

The Venus Fly Trap reemerged from its hole. Looking slightly dazed, it turned towards the fallen Techno-Control Device. Grabbing it with a pair of vines emerging from its stalk, it lowered its head so Queen Venus could get on.

“You haven’t seen the last of me, Blue Eagle!” she said, holding up the mineral rock. “With this, I will rule the world!” Laughing, she disappeared with the plant into the ground.

“Oh, why does she always forget us?” whined Frankie. He and Willie dived into the hole after her.

Blue Eagle ignored them and ran towards the fallen robot’s torso. “Switch, are you okay? Let me help you out,” he said as he approached the washing machine door and saw that his sidekick was okay. He took the door handle in his hands and pulled with all his might. Having more leverage than Switch and pulling from the outside, he was able to pull the reinforced door open and free Switch.

“Gosh, thanks, Blue Eagle!” said Switch as he stood up. “I was nervous there for a while. Being inside a washing machine while it’s spinning? That’s one ride I’d never want to get on.”

“Agreed. I’m just glad you’re okay. You had me worried,” said Blue Eagle. “I was counting on you activating your invulnerability to protect yourself when I went for the electrical wires. I’m just relieved we stopped that device before Technomancer used it to mind control us.”

“Speaking of Technomancer, let’s grab him before he attacks again,” suggested Switch.

They walked over to Technomancer, who was laying on the ground. The man groaned, opening his eyes and sitting up. He rubbed his head and looked around with a confused expression on his face.

“Where....where am I?” he asked. “What happened here? Why am I dressed like this? I was in my lab, and there was a lightning bolt, and then......” his voice trailed off.

“I don’t believe it! He doesn’t remember anything about what happened!” said Switch.

“Do you remember anything about being Technomancer?” Blue Eagle asked the man.

Technomancer looked up at Blue Eagle. “What? Blue Eagle? I’m sorry, I don’t know what this ‘Technomancer’ you speak of is. My name is Calvin West. I’m a scientist and engineer at TomorrowTech Industries. What’s going on?”

“I’m sorry to tell you this, Doctor, but for the past year, you’ve been plotting to take over the world under a supervillain persona,” said Blue Eagle. “You’d developed powers from that headset, the ability to control technology itself. And using a device that would connect all of humanity’s minds to technology the way yours was, you would mind control humanity to become your slaves.”

Doctor West’s eyes went wide with shock and horror. “My word! I really did all of that!? How horrible!” He looked over at the headset, which appeared mangled and charred on the ground. “What happened to my invention?”

“I hit the Techno-Control Device with a powerful burst of electricity as you were activating it. I believe that caused your powers—and the headset—to overload,” explained Blue Eagle. “Can you use your powers?”

West looked at Blue Eagle. “Powers? No, I can’t use anything of the sort. And I’m glad. I wouldn’t want to be a supervillain. I’m just not cut out for that kind of life. I'm glad you destroyed this diabolical device I created.”

“It was deactivated, but we’ve got a huge problem,” said Switch. “Queen Venus got her hands on it. It’s only a matter of time before she uses it to mind control all of humanity.”

West smiled. “Oh, I doubt that. From what you’ve told me, and from what I know of the science behind all this, I have a feeling she’s not going to get the results she’s expecting.”


In the lair of Queen Venus, the master supervillain is putting the finishing touches on the Techno-Control Device.......

“Perfect!” exclaimed Queen Venus, turning a few dials on the large control panel she set up that connected to the Techno-Control Device, repaired and put back together. If it weren’t for the dents and scratches, it would look as good as new. “It’s ready to go! Time for humanity to bow before Queen Venus!”

Off to the side of the large room, Frankie and Willie stood with their hands covering their ears. “Boy, I hope she doesn’t brainwash us into working for her,” said Frankie.

“You idiot. We already work for her,” said Willie.

“Oh, that’s right.”

Queen Venus pressed a few buttons and pulled a lever. The device came to life, the mineral rock core glowing. Waves off light emitted in a circular pattern from the core before fizzling out as they got to the end of the room.

Before anyone could wonder whether or not the device worked, a power drill from one of the boxes Frankie and Willie were moving around earlier emerged. Turning itself on, it lunged for Queen Venus, who turned and ran. Other power tools emerged, chasing Queen Venus around the room.

“Frankie! Willie! Get these things away from me!” she ordered. “What happened!? What went wrong!? Why are these things after me!?”

Frankie and Willie looked at each other and then at the scene of Queen Venus getting chased around the room by power tools.

“Maybe we just ain’t cut out for this high level technology,” said Frankie.

“You said it, Frankie,” said Willie, shaking his head. “You said it.”

Next time, on The Adventures of BLUE EAGLE!

Episode 8: “The Monstrous Melody of the Music Major”: When the music in Herald City starts becoming a destructive force, Blue Eagle and Switch find themselves face to face with the supervillain and sidekick duo of Music Major and Music Minor.