The Adventures of BLUE EAGLE Episodes 1 - 11 Are Posted!

A superHeroic endeavor

This was a feat of superhero fiction and website design as I am still new to getting things from my head and hard drive onto a web page, but I did it.

Episodes 1-11 of The Adventures of BLUE EAGLE are posted!

And so my journey to becoming your favorite superhero fiction author begins with a bold step.

Blue Eagle, a superhero, from The Adventures of BLUE EAGLE.

Blue Eagle

what is the adventures of blue eagle?

What is The Adventures of BLUE EAGLE? Well, it is but one series in what is widely considered to be the greatest superhero universe ever created.

I can’t officially verify this, but I know that my grandmother would believe I created the greatest work of superhero fiction ever if she were still alive and that’s good enough for me.

In all seriousness, The Adventures of BLUE EAGLE is a series of episodic one-shots starring original cast and setting.

I can try to explain further, but I think my blurb can do the heavy lifting there:

Herald City. A great American metropolis, with gleaming towers and bustling streets. Never before has there been a safer place to live and work, because the citizens know that when disaster strikes, they can count on the protection of BLUE EAGLE.

Blue Eagle--also known as David Dufraine--was born with incredible strength, powerful eyebeams, superhuman senses, and the amazing ability of flight. Possessing a strong sense of justice, he seeks to protect the city from criminals who prey on the innocent. Having taught these values to his son Jack, who possesses similar abilities, they protect Herald City as Blue Eagle and Switch the Blue Eaglet! Together, the Father-Son Duo wages a war on crazy criminals and notorious ne'er-do-wells, including the powerful perverter of plant life, QUEEN VENUS.

These are the adventures of BLUE EAGLE and SWITCH THE BLUE EAGLET.

I guess it would be remiss of me to talk about this without talking about the larger superhero fiction project this is attached to, but the good thing about this story is that it is very self contained.

Not only is each episode a completely self-contained story—the chapters could literally be read out of order—but it is separate from my larger Blue Eagle Universe.

When I’ve told people about it in private, I’ve primarily compared it to the 1968 Batman cartoon. Not only is The Adventures of BLUE EAGLE a deliberate homage to superhero cartoons from that 1960s-1970s time period (which was way before my time, but Cartoon Network used to love reruns when I was a kid), but the relationship it has to shows like Teen Titans and Young Justice are similar.

The Adventures of BLUE EAGLE is aimed to be appropriate for the youngest of readers while being a nostalgia-fueled trip for older ones. It reads—quite intentionally—like a novelization of shows like Super Friends or Space Ghost, while at the same time introducing the basics of my superhero world. It introduces readers to Blue Eagle, his sidekick Switch the Blue Eaglet, their archnemesis Queen Venus, and their primary Rogues Gallery.

Like The Adventures of Batman to the 2003 Teen Titans, it does not take place in the same universe as the main series I am currently working, SWITCH and the Challengers Bravo. So that means I can have fun writing without being tied down by my ever-expansive lore (half joking there). That means character appearances and relationships can be different, just as was the case in these cartoons.

It won’t be too long before you all get a taste of what’s really in store, but for now, enjoy these episodes for what they are: Good old fashioned superhero fun.

what brought the adventures of blue eagle into existence?

Probably a little background for, well, everything is in order since this is your first look into my world.

I’ll go into things more broadly in a future post, but as for The Adventures of BLUE EAGLE, it came at a point where I was creating my main series, a Teen Titans-inspired series starring Switch. This story was based on modern superhero fiction conventions and tropes, as well as outside inspirations ranging from Avatar: The Last Airbender to ethereal metal music.

The idea of that series was to focus on a sidekick’s attempt to lead his own team. Again, inspired by Teen Titans. But as much of a modern-style story lover as I am, I was starting to feel a renewed sense of appreciation for the classics. For older, uncomplicated stories of superheroes saving the day from dastardly villains.

I started to imagine what my characters would have looked and acted like in an old Filmation/Hanna-Barbera cartoon.

In 2021 (yes, that long ago), I decided to make that idea a reality. I published eight episodes onto a free writing website called Royal Road, and they were incredibly well received. I got [a small number of] followers from a readership of cliffhanger-obsessed reincarnation anime enthusiasts who would usually never go for this type of story.

And the rest is history. Which, of course, I say as if I weren’t still taking what are essentially my first steps.

But I want to do more than post a few short stories on someone else’s website filled with isekai LitRPGs and anime AI covers. And I want to give you all more.

Much more.

what you can look forward to….

Action. Adventure. Excitement. Good, clean fun.

Don’t worry, the heavy hitting stuff will come later on in my main universe.

There are cool galleries and bios of my main characters. And, as mentioned, there are eleven exciting short stories available here.

They are free. They are available to everyone. And they will remain that way on this site. Forever.

Yes, you read that correctly. That wasn’t a typo. These episodes will remain 100% completely free.

And this is only the beginning. One more episode is on its way. Possibly the most exciting one yet!

But I will be transparent with you, my friends. I don’t want to string you along. I plan to package all of these into the first of two volumes to be sold, and the twelfth episode will only be available as part of that package.

That still means that another twelve episodes will be coming down the line. And I plan to give the majority of them to you for free as well.

And this is only The Adventures of BLUE EAGLE. Wait until you see the far more expansive plans I have in store for you from the larger Blue Eagle Universe!

Definitely buckle up. And make sure your capes are ready to go. It’s going to be an exciting ride!

The Adventures of BLUE EAGLE Episodes 1 - 11 are the first of a lot of planned superhero fiction work, many of which is coming up right around the corner! And this story promises to be good clean nostalgic fun!

So please make sure you join the Father-Son Duo of Blue Eagle and Switch the Blue Eaglet as they make Herald City safe from the various criminals that seek to defraud and destroy it.

For exciting superhero fiction written by me, be sure to check out the BLUE EAGLE Universe!


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