Welcome To the TienSwitch Superhero Blog!
Hello, and welcome to my blog! I’m TienSwitch, and you can learn more about me here.
I’m glad you’re here to join me on this journey from the very beginning. Alternatively, I’m glad you went back to the very first blog post to see what I wrote.
Either way, a hearty thank you is in order!
To put things as briefly as possible, I am the author of the BLUE EAGLE Universe, which encompasses multiple novel series and short stories alike about the superhero Blue Eagle and his sidekick, Switch the Blue Eaglet. The two main works of this being The Adventures of BLUE EAGLE and SWITCH and the Challengers Bravo.
This website was made mainly to promote and share my work, but this blog is more of my voice. It’s here that I want to talk to you about a variety of topics.
Okay, by a “variety” of topics, I mean we’re generally going to pin it down to my topic, the genre of my work: Superheroes!
What To Expect From This Blog
So what can you expect from this blog? What will this be about?
A lot, actually!
Obviously, it will be a place where I can keep you all up to date with my work. Announcements, new episodes/chapters, new releases, artwork, and even merch if this gets to that point.
But as for the topics, my main focus will be superheroes.
I’ve had a love of superheroes ever since I was six years old, buying Spider-Man comics from a little store my elementary school set up in the cafeteria during lunch. I’ll never forget buying the actual Amazing Spider-Man Annual #1, the first appearance of the Sinister Six.
But I’m not here to mindlessly announce and review (and complain about, as it too often seems on the Internet these days) the latest releases. I prefer to talk about deeper topics, seemingly random things that come to mind.
Maybe about whether superheroes can achieve “big picture” changes.
Or maybe about ethical systems and superheroes.
Or about how, let’s be honest, Spider-Man is an irresponsible person.
But it’s not like superheroes are the only topic on my mind. I’m a writer. Writing and publishing is something I will also be touching on, especially as I navigate that world as an up and coming author.
I’m sure someone out there is interested in learning how to ensure your audience understands your characters because they, too, want to get into the writing game. A budding superhero author will probably want information on how to write an evil counterpart. After all, what superhero doesn’t have such a villain in their Rogues Gallery?
There’s simple, basic things an author who wants to write superheroes–or any action–needs to know, such as how to craft a fight scene. Or more daring things to take on, like how to properly inject politics into your story. As I hone my own craft, I want to help you hone yours.
And, of course, I like to draw more attention to superhero novels. They aren’t exactly top dogs in literary fiction, our beloved capes and masks. While comic books gives us well known superheroes by big names, novels tend to feature original characters by small authors. So expect reviews for superhero novels and superhero comics–as well as the occasional non-superhero book/comic review–to be featured quite prominently.
I don’t know what the future brings, and I have no idea if this blog–and my writing–will fizzle out and die or catapult me into superstardom.
All I can say is that I hope you all join me for the ride!
For exciting superhero fiction written by me, be sure to check out the BLUE EAGLE Universe!